Zij Zegt, She Says: Guest Co-Host Yvonne de Jager!

Premier conversation with brilliant, funny, wonderful, velvet-voice guest co-host Yvonne de Jager.  Yvonne will be a frequent co-host where she and Beth talk about the differences between Dutch and American culture, and all the random stuff we talk about anyway.  Beth remembers when she showed up to a surprise party not knowing who the party was for.  They discuss why this podcast is so necessary.  Beth confesses that she has the opposite of imposter syndrome.  Beth tells the only joke she ever made up. Yvonne ruins it by explaining the punchline (so Dutch).  Notice how much energy is in Beth's voice talking to Yvonne vs. when she is talking to Michael. 
Zij Zegt, She Says: Guest Co-Host Yvonne de Jager!
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